Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Airlines... Early mornings...

So, a funny thing happened to me, last week while I was trying to leave San Francisco. I went to the airport, returned my rental car, grabbed the tram to the terminal, checked my bag and headed to the gate. Usually when heading to the gate I grab out my license and stick my wallet and other metallic objects into my pocket. This time I went to get my license, it wasn’t there! I realized I had left it in my rental car, so I dropped my junk with someone I could trust and booked to the tram. Realized after 10 minutes that I was on the wrong tram, got on the correct one, got to the rental car, people were buzzing around it, I hollered please don’t move that, I left my license in it. They all looked at me and said, how about the keys? I couldn’t believe it (insert long story here about trying to get a ride back to the terminal to get their keys, which I left in my jacket, to no avail!) and no license! Talked to the lady that checked me in, nothing. Oh no! Talked to the most senior Avis guy and he told me to just leave the keys with someone from Northwest. Great! Back I go to the terminal, realized my keys were in my jacket, in my checked luggage! Northwest folks bent over backwards to get my bag back and there was my license! YAY!!!! And I even had time to get breakfast. I guess the next time I think about 1) getting ready the night before and/or 2) checking my jacket pockets before packing said jacket, I should just do it! Huh? I was glad I got up at 0300!

That’s it for today.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHA!Classic, KJ, classic! Thanks for the belated monday laugh!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, your close proximity to the looney bin is having it's effect! What's next, a room in the looney bin with a view of your apt?

Thanks for the laughs!

Blogger blarney stoned said...

anon1 - you are most welcome, my friend.

anon2 - oooh, I wonder if I would still have to pay for both, or just one? hmmm...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think you have to pay for a view, no I take that back, paying for a view is sometimes times the explaination of overpriced realestate.....but I think you know what I meant.

I do have to say, that was so much more funny than the comic strips that I read this morning.

Blogger blarney stoned said...

Monte - I know what you mean, man.

Yeah, it's just one of those stupid things we do, right? :-)


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