Friday, February 16, 2007

New Digs….

We begin with a dialog:
Family member: So, what the heck is up, BS? You haven’t blogged in a long time?
BS: Well, I just haven’t had time.
Family member: BS!
BS: Well, I haven’t had anything to write about.
Family member: BS!
BS: ok (hangs head), I’m a slacker?
Family member: right on!

So, without any further adieu....

On January 15th, with the help of some friends, I moved into my “new digs”, it is a fantastic and wonderful apartment right off Main street, I overlook the common and the loony bin (read: housing for the mentally ill, where I’ll probably end up some day!). I have been here just over a month and I love it! It has it’s lonely days and it’s bad days, but for the most part it is a phase of my life that I totally missed and wished I hadn’t. If I had done this before getting married, I may have chosen a different life.

Outside of the new place, life is pretty alright, friends are friends, others are others and life seems to have returned to some sense of “normalcy”.

I found out yesterday that one of the people that I am VERY fond of is engaged. This person is one of the few that I would probably break up with anyone at any time, if I thought I had a shot with them. I don’t, so that is probably not even something reasonable to say, but when they told me they were engaged, I told them that. They were flattered, I think they chuckled a bit and forgot about it, but that’s good. I mean, sheesh! In retrospect, what kinda guy just blurts out (when being told that their friend just got engaged) “I SO would’ve loved to have been with you”. Huh? Not someone who’s nice!

Anyway, that’s my story for tonight. I have another few fun stories, but they’ll wait….



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