Saturday, July 22, 2006


Almost always I try to say something and it comes out wrong or I just can’t get it into words. Then you read someone else’s writing and WOW, they’ve put almost your exact feelings into words. I’ve shamelessly copied from Josh Longbrake’s blog for this one.

“personally, the last thing i am interested in is easy christianity. i am not interested in being a trendy gathering where it's cool to be seen at and where you can see a hip band and hear a swank teacher with a goatee and get validated that it's cool to be this age. what i am interested in is seeing what Jesus is doing in the church, in the community, and in the world. i am interested in reaching out to those who have less, to see what it means to have deeds alongside faith. i am interested in getting stretched, in feeling uncomfortable about what i'm doing with my faith, in being called to action. don't get me wrong; i'm not against bands in the least. i'm a hack musician myself, so the natural thing for me to do is to get a band together and play music. it's just that i don't want to simply attract people with music or with cool clothes. i'd rather get together with those seeking revolution and start praying, fasting, and seeking God to see what He wants to do with us. wouldn't it be better to find out Who we're worshipping and then respond to it in music? and it's not that i'm against teachers either. quite the contrary. i'm very interested in teaching, but i really want to involve dialogue within the teaching. i'm still trying to develope that idea in my mind.”

Yeah, that’s about it, although I think I only got to the first sentence, I hadn’t fleshed out much beyond that.

Alright, Josh, when do we get to have a beer together?



Blogger Joshua Longbrake said...

next time you're in indiana let me know....then the beer's on me.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ditto Baby!!!


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