Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Motorcycles are heaven...

So here I sit on Tuesday morning. The classes that I am scheduled to teach start in 2.5 hours and I have one of them ready to go (although I should probably do a walk through or something of that sort). I should also just stop whining about it and go and get everything done, but it’s hot and humid and….

It was a pretty good weekend. Got home Friday afternoon, went down to the pub with kiwi, j-dawg, Mc B., Hil, and my wife. Good times were had by all (as far as I know). Saturday was spent helping Skip and then Dad, then off to the pub to watch Germany take 3rd place in the World Cup. Sunday, church, picnic, World Cup final!!! Sat for an hour or so after the game in shock, couldn’t believe Zizou’s outburst. I completely don’t understand the amount of pressure that someone is under as captain of the national football team, with that being said, I was very disappointed in the outburst. All in all, Italy is the world champions, congratulations, Viva Italia! I am sad that the Cup is over, it has been a wonderful month of watching!! 2010, here we come (USA, USA, USA)!!

That about does it for my weekend. My wife graciously painted my office for me yesterday, Skip came and put the electric in to the panel and I helped put the outlets in and such, verified that Internet was up and running, hopefully I’ll be able to move in there by the weekend.

I am speaking at church on August 6th, I’m not sure what I’m going to talk about yet, I have an idea, but I’d really like to hear from God on what he’d like, maybe a few hours on the back of the motorcycle would help. Seems that it’s easier to hear God talk to you when you’re on a bike going 50 MPH.

Peace, love and beer,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say that I miss being there to help out "...and stuff". The pub, soccer and getting your new place in order would be fun times to be a part of. All in all I miss the BS.

Blogger blarney stoned said...

Thanks Texas! wish you were here too. miss you guys.


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