Wednesday, August 22, 2007


I think I’ve mentioned that I’ve been reading this book called “Blue like Jazz” it is a pretty good book, I just finished it (and started reading the last Harry Potter book!). I really enjoyed the book, agreed with some, disagreed with some, but all in all a good read.

One of the bits that really resonated with me is the part about how the author (Don Miller) grew up in the church and was told how it is a big bad world out there and was raised with this us (Christians) against them (the big bad world) mentality. Then after he got out into the world (at 20 something) he found that people were pretty great, some bad, some good, but all in all people wanted to listen, learn, love and accept. The stretch came when he found a community that was living the life that Christ taught his followers to live, but the didn’t necessarily believe in Christ. He was further challenged when he entered back into the Christian community and found the judgmental attitude.

Very interesting, as that is what I have found lately in my life’s journey. So the rub comes when one tries to incorporate the teachings of Christ into their life, it isn’t a formula that someone can write down, it’s not math or science it is a lifestyle that we embrace and walk, run, crawl or amble our own way. I think it is fine for us to talk to each other and learn from one another, but that learning has to be in a particular type of environment, for me. The “church” setting doesn’t do much for me, bring on McNeil’s or Flat Street with a beer and a bible and a few friends that I trust and that is “church” for me.

Any thoughts?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Read the book.. think his perspective is great! Can totally relate to yours as well. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.. :-)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thoughts from the late-comer (what, I go on vacation, and all of a sudden you decide to blog?? I love it...keep it up!). I haven't read the book...maybe I could borrow? And then we can yak over beers (ciders) at flat street? It owuld be a great saturday pastime! But initial thoughts: It's exactly what I found. "the world" is alot more loving, friendly, and accepting place than I was eer allowed to think it was. There are not nearly so much "big bad" things out there as "the church" would like one to believe. Therefore, I also have separated myself from church, and found alot of joy and real living in the process. Spirituality still ranks high on my list, but not christianity. So again...Book...flat street...hours of discussion?
loveya! ~the middle sister

Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are really two world of thought, "Living the law" and "Living through the Spirit" I'm more of a fan of "Living through the Spirit" and allowing the Spirit guide you.... I've pretty much broken away from all "churches" but I have the structure of going to a Messianic Temple...They seem to really "get it" better then 90% of the Christians out there. I personally like the structure of services, but I don't think it's the end all and be all for all people.

Good luck!

-Anon in the NE :) -

PS Max sucks :)


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