So, here it is Saturday morning, August is almost gone. WOW! This year has certainly flown by. I have a very difficult time believing that time can move as quickly as it seems to. I went out with my two youngest daughters for dinner last night, they are both such mighty fine young ladies, it’s an honor and a pleasure to hang out with them. I, personally, had a wonderful time, now I understand the look on my Dad’s face when he used to hang out with his daughters, always grinning, like the Cheshire cat, I never understood it. Now I do.
Today’s lyrical contemplation (really it’s just a song I get stuck in my head) is Crash Test Dummies “I think I’ll Disappear Now”, don’t worry it’s not what you think. The part that I find interesting is the first few lines, “Running into you with no warning, is like catching a sniff of tequila in the morning, but I’ll try, try to keep my food down.” The song is really about a guy seeing his girl after a breakup and wanting to just slip away for a while. I’m not totally sure why I’m jelling with this song at the moment, maybe it’s the motorcycle rides I’ve been taking. Just up and disappearing for a few hours, it’s nice. Very good therapy for me, know what I mean?
As I may have mentioned before, I’ve been in a bit of a funk lately. I know it’s tough for people that care about people to just let them be in a funk, how does one deal with it when people are trying to pull you out of a perfectly good funk? Sometimes I think it’s not a bad thing, to be in a funk. Sometimes you get to explore different sides of your personality. Find out a little better what makes you tick or at least better understand yourself so that the next time you get “funky” you can identify what’s bothering you faster or discard items. I don’t know it’s tough, huh?
A few positive, or VERY positive notes (I’ll let you decide), I’ve been sleeping in my bed for the past few nights, that’s nice! Although I seem to have gone to sleeping 5-6 hours a night, different for me, but I’ll take what I can get (for instance this post was started around 4 AM, It’s taking a while to do as I’ve had e-mails to do and comics to read, AND revisions to make, etc.). I’m heading to pick up the motorcycle this morning, I really hope everything works out, I’m a bit leery of making such a large purchase from someone that advertised on the internet, but I suppose it’s not much different seeing a bike on the side of the road and buying it from them. So I’m looking forward to getting that on the road on Monday, I have to travel to Canada on Wednesday, but I don’t have to leave until afternoon, so I’m hoping Wednesday is a good day for a ride, but by then I’ll have other things to do, so we’ll see if a ride materializes. I spoke with someone yesterday who’s husband has an amazingly expensive bike, yesterday was the first time he’d been on it all year, he packed an overnight bag and said, “I’ll call you when I ‘land’”, I think that sounds like good therapy, maybe I’ll have to try that next year. ‘Course I’d clear it with the wife first!
This isn’t nearly as long or as interesting as it once was, revisions, you know. However, it’s an update.
“And just in case I don’t see you, good afternoon, good evening and good night”