Friday, January 12, 2007

Grinding Gears...

Sometimes I feel like Peter (from Family Guy) “You know what really Grinds my Gears?” piece. I feel like I’m always complaining, am I?

Today in the news, I’m not sure if it’s good news or not, Becks moves to L.A.! What the hell is up with that??!! David Beckham is moving to the L.A. Galaxy, I am still in a bit of shock, I have mixed feelings, I think it will be good for MLS, but it may also be bad for MLS. Becks has the ability to draw fire and he IS getting old.

People – what the heck is up with people? A few months ago I get this very disjointed e-mail that sounded more like a drunk person trying to talk (think Stewie and Brian at the Drunken Clam), I chalked it up to just venting feelings about all that was going on at the time. Then I saw him the other day in a parking lot he just raised his head a couple of times and then said something that didn’t have much to do with anything and walked off. I don’t know, maybe I’m too sensitive, maybe I care more than I let on. Who knows? I guess I should send an e-mail and ask what’s up, we’ll see.

On another note, I picked up the key for my first very own apartment, today. I do this with a bit of nervousness, I’ve never lived by myself, I think I’ll be lonely, I like to be around people. So we’ll see what happens.


Thursday, January 04, 2007

Is there anybody out there?

What does one say, when they’ve been away from their blog for so long you don’t even know if anyone is reading it anymore! It reminds me of a song, by the McKrells “Is there anybody out there”? (now where should THAT question mark have gone?).

What does one say about the month of December, with all of the things that have been going on lately (re: family matters) it was a difficult and interesting month. My oldest daughter had a birthday, turning 18, that was an interesting feeling for me, I don’t really care when my birthday happens, but when my kids are growing up, holy crap do I feel old!

Not much else happened in December, I continue to live with my sister and brother-in-law, that is wonderful! I fear that the time to leave there draws nigh and it will be a difficult parting. Maybe they’ll buy a duplex and I can have my own space AND live with them, wouldn’t that be awesome!

OH! One interesting thing happened in December; I learned what true friends are. True friends are the friends that, no matter how much they disagree with choices you’ve made, still love you. They may want to kick you in the knee, smack you about the head and neck with a broken bottle, or let you loose in a cage of drunken monkeys with sharp objects, but they still love you and will stand by you no matter what happens. It is an amazing thing to watch and an honor to have these men and woman as friends. You know who you are and IF you do read this, thanks for being here, you have no idea how much it means.

I’ve had a few interesting experiences already this year, as follows:
1) My buddy SSG was home for my birthday. Now this may not seem all that strange or interesting to you, but you probably don’t know that 11 years ago to the day (my birthday) he shipped out for the Air Force, every birthday after that, for 10 years, he was either leaving or gone on my birthday. You have to know SSG to see why this is important. Note the friendship mentioned above and take it to another level, if I called this guy at 0300 and said, “I’m in a barn, I just woke up, there’s bodies and blood and I don’t know how I got here” This man would show up and help me, no questions. I have a few of those people in my life, he is one of them (and the one I’ve known the longest) and I got to spend my birthday with him, what a great thing.

2) A friend that I haven’t really spoken too for almost 7 years, IM’d me today. I hope, at some point, she’ll tell me why today. Anyway, we had a nice chat, she got rid of most of her kitties, which is too bad, I would have had FUBAR flown across the country to live with Kiwi, J-dawg and MAX, I think he would have fit right in. This friend is getting married soon, sounds very happy with that, work and everything else, so that’s good. If you happen to be reading this, friend, I hope we stay connected this time and I don’t let another almost 7 years go by.

Well, I suppose that is enough for now, further bulletins as events warrant.

Peace, love and beer,